Monday, March 2, 2009

81. Knots

Looking at words in an unthinking way, free from avoidance or attraction. The unappreciated importance of the blank mind. No decline, no arousal, staying away from a task-oriented focus. Absent from the imperatives of cognitive performance. Just traces of letters on the screen, their contortions, the way they bend and their loops, knotted lines like entangled strings jostling one another. Significance tied up in the midst of complexities, unaccounted for twists and turns against the white indifference of a page.

No meaning yet. Only serpentines and nodules, a swelling of long strokes, threads and their crossings running after yet to be measured probabilities.

How many times must arcs overlap, swirling vortices, before they can be decrypted, before an observed distribution of knots starts to make sense?

Angular tumbling - kinetically unlimited; words buckling under the curvature of their length; multidimensional projections of both stiffness and flexibility; the brute-force of randomized paths; the agitation of possibilities: An extreme configuration of topological variants piled up right here, under my perplexed eyes.

So, I head straight for a knot theory.


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